Thanks for your interest in contributing in the Point Hacks community of readers interested in learning more about the world of rewards points.
Point Hacks Questions is a resource for new or interested readers to ask (almost) any question they wish to have answered by Point Hacks authors or other readers.
Given others are spending their own time to help questioners, if you wish to post a question we request that:
- You phrase the title of the question as a concise question, not a statement
- Expand on the question as necessary in the question body
- Include all the necessary information you think will help people answer your question
If you have a comment / further query to an answer to your question, use the ‘Add comment’ function to initiate follow-up. If a user has added a particularly helpful reply, please mark their answer as having answered your question, and as a ‘good’, ‘great or ‘best’ reply.
Note that there are certain legal restrictions around the publication of content and advice relating to financial products such as credit cards.
There are also some restrictions around publishing content which advises people how to obtain and manage their credit products.
As a result, questions asking for personal advice of this nature, such as a recommendation for a specific credit card for their personal circumstances, will be deleted. Sorry!
Here at Point Hacks, we welcome your comments. We do not censor or delete new comments unless they contain the following: Off-topic statements or links, abusive content, vulgarity, personal attacks or spam. Those who violate this policy will be blocked from commenting.
Comments containing promotional links for personal or professional gain may be removed if they lack relevance.
The nature of frequent flyer and rewards programs is that they are ever changing and hard to understand – that’s why Point Hacks exists. Old comments may be removed from time to time if they contain now incorrect information to avoid any confusion, ensure content is clear and concise, or otherwise aid readability.