With a number of banks continuing to adjust their rewards credit card offerings in the market, I thought it worth republishing this summary of what’s happened so far.

A reminder: these changes are being triggered by the changes in credit card benefits that have started to work their way through to consumers.

This is our round up of banks that have made changes so far, and becomes a watchlist for cards or rewards programs which haven’t yet made any changes but might do so in future.

For most of the announced credit card changes you can click through to read about the tweaks that banks have coming up, or find out more about the product benefits.

I haven’t included every card in Australia on here, just the most popular options, so apologies if yours has been missed off.

The changes as a result of the new legislation coming through are extensive. The Reserve Bank’s regulatory changes on interchange fees could affect many Australian credit cards, however cards issued directly by American Express will not be impacted by the legislation.

As a result it is likely that cards issued directly by American Express will offer a stronger rewards offering than competitors in the future – or at least maintain their existing set of benefits relative to other banks.

I’ll continue to update this summary over time as new changes are announced.

Which credit cards and rewards programs have had changes so far in 2016? was last modified: November 30th, 2017 by Keith